
External component for 1C:Enterprise

The component enables to process images directly from 1C:Enterprise starting from version 8.2. The component is created using NativeAPI. Hence, it's not necessary to install and deploy it on each client. The component works on Windows operating system. (The demo application "Photoalbum" have both 32 and 64 versions). We recommend to run it on 1C:Enterprise application server, although there may be to load the 32-bit version on thin client.

Sample 1 Sample 2

In fact, the main work for the component is a making single and common standart for catalogs of images as in own 1C:Enterprise database as well in external storages. Examples:

You may load here demo application "Photoalbum for 1C:Enterprise" (russian). Demo version has limit on image size which is no more than 640 pixels by any side.

Proposals and remarks to support service